Just stop going. Live your life and do your own thing don't let this slimy mind control cult use up any more of your life.
Stop going and start living your own life the way you see fit, find out who you are away from any control by this willfully ignorant bunch of psychos called the Governing Body and their equally ignorant ass kissing yes men they surround themselves with.
To give meaning to one's life means a separation from comfortable herd mentality to find one's self and follow your DNA and become your most authentic self. Self Actualization, Wholeness, the works.
Metamotivation is a term coined by Abraham Maslow to describe the motivation of people who are self-actualized and striving beyond the scope of their basic needs to reach their full potential. Maslow suggested that people are initially motivated by a series of basic needs,[1] called the hierarchy of needs. Maslow states, "Self-actualizing people are gratified in all their basic needs (of belongingness, affection, respect, and self-esteem)".[2] Once a person has successfully navigated the hierarchy of needs thus satisfying all their basic needs, Maslow proposed they then travel "a path called growth motivation".[3]
Maslow believed that a distinction must be made between the motives of those who operate at or below the level of self-actualization (ones still striving for their basic needs, or ones who have met their basic needs but still live without purpose), and those who are self-actualized who are also with significant purpose, as their motivations differ significantly.[4] Deficiency needs (drives or D-needs) motivate people to satisfy physiological needs such as hunger, sex, love, whereas being needs (B-needs[5]) propel a person beyond self-actualization and drive them to fulfill their inherent ultimate potential.[6]